MITCHELL. Who else ?
When you look for a bull with TPI >+2770, PTAM >+1200 and a PTA Type >+3,08, there is only one bull that reaches this high level. His name is 515HO00318 Aurora MITCHELL. At this moment MITCHELL’s breeding values for TPI, Milk and Type are much higher than he started with in 2016.
MITCHELL breeds positive on all the production traits: PTA Milk +1200 with PTA Fat +0,10% and PTA Protein +0,05%.
MITCHELL (Mitchell x Bombero x Mayfield) daughters are strong (Strength +1,02), open ribbed (Dairy From +2,59) and have widthnes (Thurl Width +2,06). Daughters have an around perfect formed udder (UDC +2,58) with impressive figures on the important traits as Udder Cleft (+2,01), Udder Depth (+1,50) and Teat Placement +1,52).
Also interesting to mention is the score for Feet & Legs (FLC +2,11) built up by a steep angle (Foot Angle +2,27) and by a strong use of the legs (Feet & Legs Score +2,55).
What makes a bull really complete ? When offspring of a bull shows to be fertile and being able to breed easily the next generation of milking cowas. MITCHELL heifers get faster in calf than average of the herd (HCR +3,8%). MITCHELL’s milking offspring gets even faster in calf (CCR +5,0). This results in a positive Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR +3,0) and Productive Life (PL +5,0).
Then again the question “Who else?” The answer is still MITCHELL. With such a proof MITCHELL can be used on all type of cows and with his low Sire Calving Ease (SCE 6,5), he also can be used on maiden heifers.
Contact us for semen availability: Contact here.
Aurora Mayfield 13965 VG-85-USA Aurora Iota 11727 VG-88-USA