COACH: production and health specialist!

If you want to improve the profitability of your herd, 606HO00002 COACH must be in your breedingprogram. Total Performance Index  is high with +2663 (gTPI) and the Net Merit is a profitable +817 (NM$). COACH transmits lots of A2A2-BB milk: +1988 lbs (PTAM) with +132 lbs fat & protein (CFP).


Productive Life is long with +6.7 (PL), meaning COACH’s daughters stay longer in your herd. COACH will bring you healthy udders with a low 2.56 for Somatic Cell Score (SCS), which is very special in combination with the high production scores.


Fertily Index is  good with +1.7 (FI). COACH has a different bloodline with CHARLEY x TANGO x MERIDIAN.

Dam: Vekis DG Laticia VG-85