HAVE IT ALL calves causing excitement!

The first calves of 515HO00371 Siemers HAVE IT ALL hitting the ground and causing for a lot of excitement around the World. His calves are looking stunning, long bodied, stretchy calves, witha great bone quality, wide rumps and exceptional legs. Only 6 progeny of him genomically tested of him til date, but they already hit the absolute top rankings with numbers up to GTPI +2971 and up to +3.49 PTAT and with incredible complete / no-holes type linears. 


515HO00371 Siemers HAVE IT ALL is still the: 

ONLY bull in the breed comining >2818 GTPI, >3.42 PTAT and >-1.4 DPR

It makes him likely the most complete TYPE bull, combined with a huge allround index.