MITCH excels in components!
In many countries dairy farmers focus on components to get a better price for the milk. Here you can read more about it. 515HO00319 MITCH is an AI Total specialist in components and offers a genetic solution for farmers wishing to increase Fat & Protein. MITCH breeds +0.19% (+100lbs) PTA Fat & +0.08% (+62lbs) PTA Protein!
MITCH scores high with components, but he is also the number one AI Total bull in Feed Efficiency: +226 (FE). Also note that the beta casein is the beloved A2/A2. MITCH can be used on heifers because he has a low Sire Calving Ease of 6.0 (SCE).
In the linear traits of MITCH we notice he breeds medium sized daughters, a sloped Rump Angle (+0.79) and positive Teat Length. Teat Placement and Udder Depth makes MITCH suitable for robot farms.
MITCH is a son of Kerrigan, out of a Balisto and then a Sudan. Dam of MITCH is NH HS Balisto Marilyn Monroe, the #1 producing cow in Germany in 2018: LA1 305D 11.656KGM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P. Marilyn Monroe was the top seller at the German Masters Sale 2014 for € 84.000. She is currently still the tied #1 index cow in Germany with 159RZG. The first lactation of granddam Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87 is: 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P
If you are interested, please contact us.
Dam: NH HS Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE-2YR MGD: Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE-2YR MGGD: Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87 UK VG-88-MS
La1 305d 11.656 kgM 5.6%F & 4.1%P La1 305d 10.983 kgM 4.9%F & 3.8%P La2 3.09 305d 15.901 kgM 3.6%F & 3.1%P