GOLDENWAY: The golden way to success!


A bull that can deliver the show winning cows of tomorrow? Wait no longer 515HO00301 GOLDENWAY is the one you are looking for! With a PTAT +3.96 he is one of the highest in the breed. He scores +2.76 for Udc, of which are shallow (+3.37) and strong attached (+2.74). Besides that especially the high rear udder (+4.28) and strong fore udder attachment (+3.84) stand out.

GOLDENWAY is a Byway son from Golden-Oaks MCC Charlina VG-86 2YR by Mccutchen and then by the Ex. 93 Golden-Oaks Atwood Charla by Atwood.

GOLDENWAY transmits a good production with +778 lbs milk and +0,02 % Fat and +0,03 % Protein. He is new in AI-Total’s portfolio. Ask for the conditions and make sure you don’t miss this rare opportunity!



MGD: Golden-Oaks Atwood Charla EX-93